Furniside - Tema responsivo premium de Elementor para WooCommerce para muebles e interiores

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shoppingBag Ventas: 12


Creado: 28 feb 2023

Actualizado: 26 sept 2024

identificación: 318940

og体育首页ONE - Descargas ilimitadas por $12.40USD/mes

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Furniside - Tema responsivo premium de Elementor para WooCommerce para muebles e interiores - Características Imagen 1

¿Está buscando la plantilla de sitio web ideal para ofrecer artículos relacionados con muebles? entonces debe elegir Furniside: el tema de respuesta WooCommerce Elementor Premium para muebles e interiores :) Sin duda, sus consumidores quedarán impresionados por su apariencia elegante y contemporánea, que también ayudará a su empresa a destacarse en el congestionado sector del comercio electrónico. El tema Furniside es totalmente receptivo y está diseñado para todos los dispositivos, lo que garantiza que su sitio web se vea increíble en cualquier tamaño de pantalla y que también esté optimizado tanto para los consumidores como para los motores de búsqueda. El tema es fácil de usar y navegar, y lo ayudará a expandir su base de clientes y aumentar su potencial de ingresos.

Lista de cambios

September 12, 2024:

  • Update core plugin to 3.1.1
  • Update avanam theme to 1.4.4

April 18, 2024:

  • Changed all files and whole file structures
  • Need to reinstall theme
  • Major Release 2.0.0

July 04, 2023:

  • Changed sample data in the furniside_customizer_export.dat, furniside_widgets_settings.wie, furniside_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
  • Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
  • Update WordPress Version
  • Update Revolution Slider

1 Reseñas de este producto

The theme is functionally extensive, but it requires a lot of changes to use it in german language. Of course, this is also because WooCommerce is more of an English plugin and you then have to convert it. I would have at least expected that certain settings would have to be done via the theme. The footer isn't particularly pretty and you definitely have to do it yourself. You need a lot of time to convert it in german! You have to request the Slider Revolution plugin as an update because otherwise you have to buy it. Unfortunately, compatibility for newer versions of Wordpress is not available online in the community repository. You can easily check this with the plugin: Plugin Compatibility Checker and you will then determine this. GDPR compatibility is also a topic in itself. It is very useful for the english/american market but only of limited use for the german market. Example data sets are not all related to furniture etc.

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Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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