Business Now PowerPoint sablon

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Business Now PowerPoint sablon

Created: 2019. máj. 20.

Updated: 2019. máj. 20.

ID: 80862

1 Reviews for this product

I am fine if you don't want to share this review because really, I was not so impressed. Yes, the layout is nice as are the colors, and using a fixed shape (rectangle) as picture holders is a nice touch but ... none of the slide were done as an actual template. Which meant that unless I followed your design *exactly* I couldn't change the layouts easily or consistently. They had to be adjusted on every single slide, not good. So I don't see this as a true template, just a nice looking start to my presentation and a lot of work fiddling with it to suit my needs.

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A szoftverek és a tárhely követelményei:

Powerpoint 2007 (ajánlott) vagy Powerpoint 2003 Powerpoint 2007 (ajánlott) vagy Powerpoint 2003