Brume - Fotóportfólió az Elementor Builder WordPress témával
og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

Változási napló
April 24, 2024:
- Minor bugs fixed.
Brume (October 27, 2023):
- WordPress 6.3 compatible;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.17 compatible;
- Minor bugs fixed.
5 Reviews for this product
I have created my website easily thanks to this template. Especially the elementor plugin makes it simple
After working on this template for 2 weeks, I can definitely recommend to everyone!
The template is nice, thanks to Word Press and Elementor, after a few days of training / practicing, i could quite well adapt the template to my project. The smart Slider tool was helpful, i wish to install it on a my second website, just a shame there is not a 2-website purchase option (as far as i can remember you can buy it once or for multiple websites (is it 3 or 5?). My last website in 2016 was on Joomla, with a template also bought on template monster, but word press is easier and more known so i dont regret the change.
I had a few difficulties when I started the template of my site. I do not do websites that often and I wish they came with clear directions or a tutorial on how to use it for the best results.
But I was extremely happy with the support from Template og体育首页! The staff was very helpful and walked me through how to fix what I didn't understand. I contacted them several times and they were helpful every time.
I like the theme and elementor was easy to work with and customize to what I wanted my site to look like.
Šablonu jsem vybíral na foto portfolio pro fotografku. Jasné kritérium bylo tedy jednoduchost šablony a hlavní základ na fotkách. To vše šablona splňuje. Vše i header a footer je kodované v elementoru, nastavení je vcelku jednoduché. Detailní nastavení barev v menu atd. je tedy přívětivé, vše se dá nastavit v podrobném nasatvení elementoru a ne v css stylech jako u jiných šablon. Proč hodnotím jen za 4 je, že není tolik rychlá pro načítání, index 58 od Googlu a to po všech možných komprimací a zjednodušení.
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