Germogli - Tema Shopify per giardinaggio e piante d'appartamento

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shoppingBag Vendite: 5


Creato: 20 apr 2021

Aggiornato: 26 feb 2025

ID: 180578

og体育首页ONE - Download Illimitati per 12.40$/mese

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Germogli - Tema Shopify per giardinaggio e piante d'appartamento - Caratteristiche Immagine 1

Il tema Shopify Sprouts - Giardinaggio e piante d'appartamento ha un design colorato e moduli facili da configurare. Il tema può adattarsi rapidamente ai tuoi negozi esistenti e offre anche facili personalizzazioni e modifiche. Tutte le sezioni possono essere configurate dall'amministratore. Il tema è adatto per negozi online come giardinaggio, agricoltura, allevamento, vivaio, piante e altri negozi multiuso . Il tema ha colori silenziosi e bellissimi caratteri che attirerebbero più acquirenti nel tuo negozio e aumenterebbero le tue vendite.

Caratteristiche di base :

  • Non sono richieste competenze di codifica
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • Prima il cellulare
  • Tema reattivo al 100%.
  • Retina pronta
  • Font Google inclusi
  • Markup XHTML e CSS validi
  • Zero conflitti Javascript
  • Completamente documentato
  • Compatibile con tutti i principali browser
  • SEO (ottimizzazione dei motori di ricerca) amichevole
  • Ottimizzato per tempi di caricamento rapidi

Caratteristiche principali:

  • Ajax: carrello, ricerca, lista dei desideri
  • Più lingue e valute
  • Menù appiccicoso
  • Trascina e rilascia sezioni
  • Recensioni dei prodotti
  • Banner illimitati
  • Dispositivo di scorrimento dei prodotti (prodotti in primo piano, nuovi, speciali e più venduti) sulla home page
  • Carrello a discesa nell'intestazione
  • Visualizzazione rapida del prodotto
  • Conto alla rovescia per la vendita del prodotto
  • Scorrimento parallasse
  • SEO amichevole
  • Dispositivo di scorrimento/griglia del logo del marchio sulla home page
  • Zoom del prodotto
  • Griglia prodotto + Visualizzazione elenco
  • Modulo Blog
  • Breadcrumb attraente con immagine di parallasse
  • Scorri fino al pulsante in alto
  • Blocchi di collegamento aggiuntivi nel piè di pagina

Nota: l'archivio del tema contiene le immagini utilizzate nel tema che possono essere utilizzate per impostare la demo che può essere sostituita con le immagini del tuo marchio prima del lancio. I diritti effettivi delle immagini rimangono dei rispettivi proprietari delle immagini.


Version 2.6.0 Release Notes:

-RTL & LTR Support added Cart Drawer Functionality: We've implemented a cart drawer feature to facilitate smoother interaction during shopping. Mobile Media Image Option: A new option for mobile media images has been added to the main slider. The cookies consent feature has been redesigned for a more appealing appearance.

  • Theme sample contain add and optimize CSS file for performance.

Version 2.5.0

  • Significant Enhancement: Revamped Megamenu
  • Enhanced Overall Theme Performance
  • Rectified Bugs & Made Improvements -inner pages bug solve.


  • Added support for Filters on the search page
  • Fixed an issue where currency was reflected wrongly on the Quickview for some customers.
  • Bug fixes & improvements.


  • Bug fixes & improvements.


  • Bug fixes & improvements.


  • Bug fixes & improvements.


  • Added support for Shopify Online Store 2.0 (Major Update!)
  • Lazy loading of the images
  • Performance Optimization & Speed boost.
  • Multicurrency and Multilanguage support.
  • Added Filter support for variants, price and product types.
  • Bug fixes & improvements.


  • Provided video support to the products.
  • Fixed SEO title issues
  • Fixed an issue with Quick view where images did not change on changing variant
  • Added a feature which allows you to skip tags in filters
  • Fixed issue with currency where $ remained static for few customers
  • Fixed an issue with swatches which allowed using only specific colors.
  • Fixed resize issue where menu did not appear when a window was resized to smaller device. -Introduced new feature: Shopify color swatches. -Redesign cart drawer and add new functionality.


  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • Added updates from shopify


  • Initial Release

1 Recensioni per questo prodotto

Loved the style of the theme. Prior to purchase, I ran Google Page Speed Insights on the demo version. It scored horribly. Contacted Template og体育首页 since I couldn't yet contact the author. They assured me that it was because of their shared servers and that the theme would be blazing fast after purchase and installation. I'm the sucker that believed. Purchased and installed the theme. My site speed score went from anywhere between 65-85 to a big fat 5 on some pages!!! Google is now delisting our pages for performance issues due to this theme. Contacted author for two separate issues.... first being an issue that was pulling code from a previous page we had built... We were told we were on our own. I fixed it... Just yesterday, contacted the author to let them know of the performance issues and to get it corrected under our 6 Months of Support. I was told that we were on our own, ISHI Themes is already highly optimized and they are unable to optimize any more... according to developer it is our fault... even though they didn't look into the issues. Never once asked for details to login. I've reached out to two separate developers to take a look at our issues and see what they can do. Both of told me that the theme has A LOT of bad coding. Looking at $1000 - $2000 for someone to go through it and repair what they can. WHAT A JOKE!

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Customer Support

4,3 /5
Support rating (93 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 75 4 1 3 2 2 1 1 14
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
