Quality Assurance Plan PowerPoint Template

A Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) is a presentation created by the QA team or project team. Following the rules described in the plan will ensure the finished product meets all quality criteria and making it meets all customer requirements. This presentation template has useful topics such as: Introduction; Project Summary; Project Goals; QA Process; QA Model; Cost of Software Quality; QA Team; Project Team Structure; QA Task Matrix; S.W.O.T Analysis; QA Dashboard; Action Plan; Defect Management Approach, Six Sigma Framework, Risk Types, Risk Identification Process; Risk Management Process; Risk Matrix; QA Assessment Sheet; Critical Patch Method; Contacts.
- 16:9 (1920x1080) Screen Size
- 3 Pre-made color themes
- Full Editable
- 3 PPTX (PowerPoint) files
- User Guide PDF file
All photos on the demo are for preview purposes only and are not included in the files.
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