Flipmart – багатофункціональний магазин Elementor WooCommerce Mega Shop

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shoppingBag Продажі: 55


Створено: 17 вер. 2021 р.

Оновлено: 18 вер. 2024 р.

ID: 202291

og体育首页ONE - Необмежені завантаження за $12.40/міс.

Безкоштовний доступ до 480k+ продуктів | Знижка 35% на ексклюзивні продукти Приєднайтеся, щоб отримати цей товар за  Знижка 35%
Flipmart – багатофункціональний магазин Elementor WooCommerce Mega Shop - Features Image 1

Flipmart – Mega Shop Multipurpose Elementor WooCommerce Store – це сильна тема WP для технологічно орієнтованих магазинів WooCommerce. Flipmart — чиста, сучасна, зручна тема з багатьма функціями, яка ідеально підходить для вашого проекту електронної комерції.

Ця тема чудово працює як бізнес-сайт. Тема Flipmart із ідеальною часткою мінімалізму та естетичного дизайну, щоб вразити вашу аудиторію.

У дизайні магазину Flipmart із плагіном, таким як конструктор сторінок Elementor – легко редагувати за допомогою конструктора сторінок перетягуванням, який допоможе вам легко та швидше створити будь-який макет, використано Mailchimp, включено файли PSD, повзунок Revolution, детальну документацію, дані одним натисканням імпорт файлів, необмежений банер CMS, категорія з підкатегоріями, також Flipmart підтримує WPML.

Журнал змін

August 21, 2024:

  • Update core plugin to 3.0.7
  • Update avanam theme to 1.4.4

April 13, 2024:

  • Changed all files and whole file structures
  • Need to reinstall theme
  • Major Release 2.0.0

[v1.3] Changelog: June 29, 2023

  • Changed sample data in the flipmart_customizer_export.dat, flipmart_widgets_settings.wie, flipmart_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
  • Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
  • Update WordPress Version
  • Update Revolution Slider
  • flipmart/woocommerce/product-searchform.php
  • flipmart/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/grouped.php
  • flipmart/webdigify/theme-plugins-install.php
  • flipmart/webdigify/webdigify-functions.php
  • flipmart/inc/components/woocommerce/component.php
  • flipmart/webdigify/plugins/WebdigifyCore/shortcodes.php

[v1.2] Changelog : Aug 17, 2022 -- Major Update version 2.0 -- Improved Graphic Designs and Code Quality

[v1.0] Release: Sep 17, 2021 -- Initial Release Version 1.0

5 Відгуків про цей товар

very friendly and helpful in solving problems. highly recommended
Thank you so much for the kind review! We really appreciate it :)
It was wonderful experience and defiantly I would like to mentioned honestly my experience Firstly I would like to thanks to support tick team that work hard and really given support unexpected support on time plus value that I received Secondly the theme I purchase it worth it and I like it Third unfortunately I did not get proper support from sale team as they described for product must have plugin, since it is free and I can download but they sold me as premium futures,
Thank you so much for the kind review! We really appreciate it :)
thanks, my shop is doing well now, i'm can sell my things now
Thank you so much for the kind review! We really appreciate it :)
Great theme, with great support, good to use, going to use further. thank you guys.
Thank you very much for your review :)
It's been a few weeks since I bought the theme. He tried to help me in the tickets I asked to the seller. My project is not finished yet, but I am generally satisfied. I bought the product for the sale of educational materials and it served this purpose in general. I have a few more tickets to ask him. I hope they will also help me. I'm also looking at other themes (waiting for it to be on sale) Maybe I'll buy it.
Thank you
If you still have any queries regarding our theme please feel free to contact us.

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4,6 /5
Support rating (133 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 114 4 7 3 2 2 0 1 10
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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