Epa Green - Environmental Responsive WordPress Theme

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Created: Nov 27, 2014

Updated: Jul 29, 2024

ID: 52293

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Epa Green – Environmental Responsive WordPress Theme

The green industry is the most atypical WordPress theme. We are pleased to introduce you to a creative WordPress theme that was created by the painstaking efforts of a team of professional graphic designers and developers. Epa Green's main goal is to create an intuitive site so that anyone can create an amazing resource for their organization.

Epa Green is a WordPress theme designed to help you save the environment and nature. Unlimited design decisions can be made thanks to the flexibility of settings and a set of shortcodes. You'll find a portfolio layout here that you can customize to suit your needs. You can create a complete website for the conservation movement or any fundraising project to save animals. Epa Green comes with a Custom Mega Menu plugin, a functional editor, and amazing sliders. Choosing the right layout is the most important thing. With this theme, you will have a large number of pre-configured pages at your disposal, so you will definitely find what you need.

The multipurpose theme for a non-profit organization

Epa Green has been specially designed for websites of non-profit environmental organizations, alternative energy centers, fundraisers, etc. The theme supports a responsive layout and is compatible with all modern mobile devices, and also looks great on all display resolutions. You don't even need to know how to code to create something amazing with this theme. All available pages are ready to be imported into your site, so you can create a complete online resource in a very short time.

If you're looking for the best theme with premium features, including custom widgets, a drag-and-drop page builder, and a built-in portfolio engine, Epa Green should top your list of themes. This unique theme offers a ready-made demo that you can easily install on your website. Of course, you also have the ability (and the necessary tools) to create your own website. With this theme, you can create a blog, business website, or one-page portfolio website.


  1. Responsive
  2. Retina ready
  3. Google maps
  4. Tabs
  5. Performance optimizer
  6. Website builder
  7. Admin panel
  8. Dropdown menu
  9. Blog and more

The strict yet bright design will help attract new supporters and raise more funds for environmental and social actions and campaigns.

In addition to the main page, you will have several customizable header options for easy site navigation. You will also be able to beautifully and clearly present the goals of your activities, current and future events in the online calendar, as well as place your contact information. You can also leave comments here so you can keep in touch with site visitors.

Epa Green - Environmental WordPress Theme

Epa Green is suitable for anyone who wants to communicate their environmental and conservation activities to all potential adherents. The theme is quite universal because it is focused not only on the environmental sphere but also on activities in any other field. Nevertheless, the design of all the details here is made in a characteristic green color, which is ideal for those organizations whose activities are related to ecology and the environment.

Your site will be equipped with a set of modern features, including the Elementor Website Builder. Various gallery options and unlimited color design options are provided. There is also a section for representing members of the organization and announcing events. The theme is SEO and mobile-optimized out of the box, so it's ready to go!


July 29, 2024:

  • Minor bugs fixed.

Epa Green (January 31, 2024):

  • WordPress 6.4 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.19 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Epa Green (July 31, 2023):

  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.14 compatible;
  • WordPress 6.2 compatible.

Epa Green (February 7, 2023):

  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.10 compatible;
  • WordPress 6.1 compatible.

Epa Green (January 6, 2021):

  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.5 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.8 compatible.

35 Reviews for this product

The beautiful and amazing template I'm happy that I chose the theme. It was easy to install and with a sample date to import the webiste was up and running in just few clicks
Loved this template and and love template monster. Being able to give your client several themes to choose from, reduces guess work by so much that it makes me more competitive in the long run. It cuts production time by at least 50% and helps increase profits while reducing the customers costs.
Template facilmente personalizzabile, ricco di opzioni , plugin e componenti. Ben architettato per le visualizzazioni responsive, in entrambe le modalità landscape e portrait. Il file di help per la configurazione completo, utile anche per utenti Wordpress esperti. Questo template è perfetto per aziende che vogliono emergere in un'ottica green. Elementor poi facilita il cliente che desidera apportare piccole modifiche in autonomia. Lo consiglio a tutti.
Al momento de actualizar, hay que comprar los pluggins asociados.
Das Theme ist farblich sehr schön abgestimmt!! Die mitgelieferten Bilder sind sehr gut und man kann sie individuell austauschen, sodass man nicht mehr viel nachrüsten muss! Die Installation war sehr sehr einfach und man konnte den Democontent schnell einfügen. Bei mir war die Theme Installation innerhalb weniger Augenblicke erledigt und ich konnte mit dem Ausgetalten beginnen. Allem in allem ist das Theme mehr als empfehlenswert!!

2 Comments for this product

I bought this product a year ago, and I had so much trouble with it ... right now I just downloaded it and tried to use it on a test-site of mine and I cannot even install the theme (nothing else is on my wp site, just created it). It says that the Theme is missing the Stylesheet style.css. How is this even possible? Is none testing it? And I cannot even contact the author if I dont buy the shit for 50€?
Dear Nico, the stylesheet is missing error means that you are uploading the wrong zip to WordPress. Please note that you do not need the entire package for installation. Unzip the template package on your computer - you will find all the files required for installation and a detailed installation guide inside. Also, note that it's important to update everything regularly so you can avoid issues. If you need any help with the installation or the setup, please, feel free to contact our technical support team anytime!
Hi there, Am I obliged to take your 'add your own logo' package for $49, or is there another way of adding my logo?
No, I purchased this template and easily added my own logo and favicon in the Cherry Options area.

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