Shielda - Security Guard WordPress theme

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Created: May 27, 2015

Updated: Feb 22, 2021

ID: 54032

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Shielda - Security Guard WordPress theme - Features Image 1Shielda - Security Guard WordPress theme - Features Image 2Shielda - Security Guard WordPress theme - Features Image 3Shielda - Security Guard WordPress theme - Features Image 4Shielda - Security Guard WordPress theme - Features Image 5Shielda - Security Guard WordPress theme - Features Image 6Shielda - Security Guard WordPress theme - Features Image 7

Shielda - Security Guard WordPress Theme

The security guard WordPress theme will help you create your own modern site. We offer the creation of a concise and creative site simply and without problems. You are offered a simple structure, modern design, and the ability to create a form of capture.

We offer the creation of a concise and creative site simply and without problems. You get a simple structure, modern design, and the ability to create a grip shape. The site is fully adapted for the needs of visitors: it is understandable, easy to use. It will also be easy for you to manage the site, make changes, and publish news.

The template provides a modern adaptive layout, optimized code for fast page loading on all devices. The theme uses two leading colors - for placing accents and managing the attention of visitors. If necessary, you can change colors, fonts, and banners at your discretion, it will take only a few minutes.

Using a finished theme has several advantages at once because you immediately see the result. You see how the pages and blocks are located, what texts and photos should be prepared for the site. The development of such a site is much cheaper than creating from scratch and takes much less time. The theme is quite flexible and allows you to immediately adapt the site to your preferences. Use it as a landing page or as a multi-page site - we give you complete freedom of action.

How to create a modern site based on a security guard WordPress theme

The modern security guard WordPress theme is distinguished by a beautiful thoughtful design and necessarily - the presence of adaptability so that it is equally effective both on the tablet and on the smartphone screen. You simply fill the finished theme with content and you can immediately run it.

Even after setting the theme, you can edit the content of pages, photos. The site also allows you to use the online newsletter and other marketing tools. You can use the default plugins or purchase additional plugins you need to work. The security guard WordPress theme can be used as a landing page, corporate site, business card site, or blog. All this is possible due to the simple structure:

  • home page;
  • services;
  • single service;
  • packages;
  • about us;
  • FAQ;
  • blog;
  • single post;
  • contacts.

The main will help you clearly and structurally submit information about your company: who you are, what you do, your achievements and advantages in numbers. On the home page it is recommended to post your most popular services and reviews. There is also a form of feedback here - after all, the main task is to force the visitor to leave the application on the site.

Your task is to answer the most essential questions of visitors: what is this site? What can I find here? Can this company be trusted? How are you better than others? Use every opportunity to convince visitors from the first seconds of your reliability and good reputation.

Put your unique offer on the home page: the customer's benefits should be concise and located in a prominent place.

When creating content, we do not recommend using stock photos - this can negatively affect the promotion of your resource. Texts should also be understandable and logically divided into blocks - this is important for attracting customers.

Services are a section where visitors can get acquainted with your offer in detail and choose the right one for themselves. Selling goods is easier - it is enough to take a photo and description. But with the services, you will have to write in detail what customers will receive for their money. The better you can describe your services, the more likely customers are to want to contact you.

You have a great opportunity to blog, share your news, and important events. This helps a lot in promoting the site. Your visitors can share interesting blog articles on social media, increasing your popularity.

The Contacts page has a very strong impact on on-site promotion and sales conversion. It is proved that many visitors leave the site if they cannot immediately find company contacts or do not understand the structure of the resource. We took care to avoid it. Contacts greatly affect the trust of visitors and help to conclude a quick deal if the structure is correctly built on the site.

Using these and other simple recommendations, already when installing and filling the topic, you will lay a great foundation for promoting your site in the future.

Adaptive and responsive security guard WordPress theme

Working with a security guard WordPress theme has many advantages that you already know about. We recommend starting with this theme to run your resource as quickly as possible without losing quality. To resolve issues related to installation, site setup, you can contact technical support. But we are sure that it will be easy for you to set everything up yourself - we made sure that you can manage the topic yourself.

The theme gives you the opportunity to realize all the importance of desire in order to get the maximum result. Work with pleasure and get new customers tomorrow - and all thanks to the new modern site!


Shielda (February 22, 2021):

  • Cherry Plugins removed;
  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.1 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.6 compatible.

5 Reviews for this product

The Template is very clear, good to read, done in a very professional way, I also like the colors, photos and you can see how great the people worked who created this template. I am very happy with this template and would recommend it to others. It is based on Wordpress and on top of that I have future updates and 6 months of support from Templateog体育首页. I think it is great deal, also not expensive and done in the right way.
prodotto molto buono, ho utilizzato la galleria fotografica sfruttandola in sezioni differenti e con aspetti grafici differenti. sono riuscito a utilizzare 2- 3 e 4 colonne. Ho utilizzato il template per un sito di scuola di musica che ha ottenuto un buon riscontro con il pubblico. Ho potuto creare differenti categorie distinguendo professori, corsi e fotografie di eventi. Facile anche la possibilità di modificare le classi. Rapido nel caricamento. Voto generale: molto buono
Esta plantilla nos permitió diseñar un sitio web apropiado para la marca, estrutura flexible y adaptable para crear todos los contenidos nmecesarios, funciones y efectos atractivos para los usuarios y administración fácil de los mismos. La usamos para una marca de seguridad tecnológica y logramos una visualización correcta de todos los servicios. Incluye plugins útiles e interesantes para crear secciones atractivas.
good service and a lot to choose from
Adapted this for a client not in security and it worked great. The Cherry Framework is easy to use for a developer as well as for the client!

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